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Ver. 3.1.0 For the older version visit v2 documentation

Phase banner

Use the phase banner component to show users your service is still being worked on.

When to use this component

Services hosted on a domain that are in Alpha, Beta or Pilot phase must use the New service phase banner.

Also all services that are hosted on the staging area must use the Testing phase banner.

When not to use this component

Never use the panel component to highlight important information within body content.

How it works

Your banner must be directly under the header in the before-main section area (with id=beforeMainContainer).


Use the TESTING banner for testing instances of your service that resides in the staging area, but are still accessible over the internet. This will warn users that the service is only there for test purposes and not a real service


TESTING This is not a real service. It is only used for testing purposes. Any submissions made through this service will be ignored.

HTML code

<div class="govcy-phase-banner">
<span class="govcy-tag">TESTING</span>
<span class="govcy-ml-2">This is not a real service. It is only used for testing purposes. Any submissions made through this service will be ignored.</span>

New service

Use an NEW SERVICE banner when your service is in alpha, private or public beta or in pilot release.


NEW SERVICE This is a new service - your feedback will help us improve it.

HTML code

<div class="govcy-phase-banner">
<span class="govcy-tag">NEW SERVICE</span>
<span class="govcy-ml-2">This is a new service - your <a href="#">feedback</a> will help us improve it.</span>

In some cases you might need to add a version of a service like “Version 1.0.0”.

Use a ‘feedback’ link to collect on-page feedback about your service. This can open an email or take the user to a dedicated page or form. Whatever option you use, make sure that users do not lose their place in the service and can return to the page they were on.

Light version

You can use the light version of the phase banner as follows:


NEW SERVICE This is a new service - your feedback will help us improve it.

HTML code

<div class="govcy-phase-banner govcy-phase-banner-light">
<span class="govcy-tag">NEW SERVICE</span>
<span class="govcy-ml-2">This is a new service - your <a href="#">feedback</a> will help us improve it.</span>

Component text

Use the following text:

Phase English Greek
Testing TESTING This is not a real service. It is only used for testing purposes. Any submissions made through this service will be ignored. TESTING Αυτή δεν είναι πραγματική υπηρεσία. Χρησιμοποιείται μόνο για σκοπούς δοκιμών. Οποιεσδήποτε υποβολές γίνουν μέσω της υπηρεσίας αυτής θα αγνοηθούν.
Alpha, Beta or Pilot NEW SERVICE This is a new service - your feedback will help us improve it. NEW SERVICE Αυτή είναι μια νέα υπηρεσία - τα σχόλιά σας θα μας βοηθήσουν να τη βελτιώσουμε.


Make sure:

  • not to make the phase banner ‘sticky’ to the top of the page by using position: fixed or any other method, so that it does not cover or obscure any content which has a focus applied.
  • not to use any other colours for the phase banner