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Ver. 3.1.0 For the older version visit v2 documentation

File upload

Help users select and upload a file.

When to use this component

You should only ask users to upload something if it’s critical to the delivery of your service.

How it works

The component should only exist in the main section.

To upload a file, the user can either:

  • use the ‘Choose file’ button
  • ‘drag and drop’ a file into the file upload input area

Single question page

If you are asking just one question on a page, follow the instructions for single question page labels and legends and adjust the header and label accordingly.


PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats

HTML code

<form action="" class="govcy-form" novalidate="">
<div class="govcy-form-control">
<h1><label class="govcy-label govcy-label-primary" for="file1">Upload a file</label></h1>
<span id="file1-hint" class="govcy-hint">PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats</span>
<input class="govcy-file-upload" type="file" id="file1" name="file1" aria-describedby="file1-hint">

More than one question on the page

If you’re asking more than one question on the page, do not set the contents of the <label> as the page heading.


PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats

HTML code

<form action="" class="govcy-form" novalidate="">
<div class="govcy-form-control">
<label class="govcy-label govcy-label-primary" for="file2">Upload a file</label>
<span id="file2-hint" class="govcy-hint">PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats</span>
<input class="govcy-file-upload" type="file" id="file2" name="file2" aria-describedby="file2-hint">

Previously uploaded file

Allow the users to view or delete a file that they have previously uploaded within a single journey.

Use links to:

  • view the file. The links should open the file in a new tab, if the browser supports it’s type.
  • Delete the file. The link should lead to a question page with radios, asking the users if they are sure they want to delete the file. Use the file’s title, not the file name. For example the question of the delete page should be ‘Are you sure you want to delete the company’s certificate of liquidation file?’.

Use <span class="govcy-visually-hidden"> the file's title</span> in the links body to help screen readers indicate which file is to be viewed or deleted


You have uploaded the company’s certificate of liquidation

PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats View the company’s certificate of liquidation file Delete the company’s certificate of liquidation file

HTML code

<div class="govcy-form">
<div class="govcy-form-control">
<p class="govcy-label govcy-label-primary">You have uploaded the company’s certificate of liquidation</p>
<span class="govcy-hint">PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats</span>
<a href="#">View<span class="govcy-visually-hidden"> the company’s certificate of liquidation file</span></a>
<a class="govcy-ml-3" href="#">Delete<span class="govcy-visually-hidden"> the company’s certificate of liquidation file</span></a>

Order of elements inside the component

Place the elements inside the component in the following order.

  1. Label
  2. Hint
  3. Error message
  4. Input

Error messages

Make sure to follow the instructions for error messages and error summary when validating user input. Error messages should be styled like this:


PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats

Error:There is an error

HTML code

<form action="" class="govcy-form" novalidate="">
<div class="govcy-form-control govcy-form-control-error">
<h1><label class="govcy-label govcy-label-primary" for="file4">Upload a file</label></h1>
<span id="file4-hint" class="govcy-hint">PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats</span>
<p id="file4-error" class="govcy-input-error-msg">
<span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error">Error:</span>There is an error
<input class="govcy-file-upload" type="file" id="file4" name="file4" aria-describedby="file4-hint file4-error">

Here is example with the component used in a more than one question page.


PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats

Error:There is an error

HTML code

<form action="" class="govcy-form" novalidate="">
<div class="govcy-form-control govcy-form-control-error">
<label class="govcy-label govcy-label-primary" for="file5">Upload a file</label>
<span id="file5-hint" class="govcy-hint">PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats</span>
<p id="file5-error" class="govcy-input-error-msg">
<span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error">Error:</span>There is an error
<input class="govcy-file-upload" type="file" id="file5" name="file5" aria-describedby="file5-hint file5-error">

Remember to adjust the aria-describedby attribute to include the error message’s id and add <span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error">Error:</span> in the error message.

Component text

Use the following text:

Labels and hints English Greek
View View Προβολή
Delete Delete Διαγραφή
File hint (example) PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG are the acceptable formats PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, είναι οι αποδεκτές μορφές
Previously uploaded label (example) You have uploaded the company’s certificate of liquidation Έχετε ανεβάσει το πιστοποιητικό εκκαθάρισης


make sure:

  • not to use ‘drag and drop’ as the only way to upload files. You must provide another method, such as the ‘Choose file’ button
  • users can easily reuse a previously uploaded file within a single journey
  • when showing previously uploaded files, use <span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error"> the file's title</span> in the links body to help screen readers indicate which file is to be viewed or deleted
  • you associate the label elements with the input they relate to, using the for attribute
  • when using a hints, add aria-describedby on the input element, with the id of the hint element
  • when displaying error massages, use <span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error">Error:</span> in the Error message area, and add aria-describedby on the input element, with the id of the error message.