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Ver. 3.1.0 For the older version visit v2 documentation

Vertical Spacing

Use the design system to lay out the content on your service’s pages vertically in a uniform and consisted manner.

Understanding the spacing scale

The spacing scale displays the various spacing achievable between items.

Spacing Unit Rem Pixels
0 0 0
1 0.25 4
2 0.5 8
3 0.75 12
4 1 16
5 1.25 20
6 1.5 24
7 1.75 28
8 2 32
9 2.25 36
10 2.5 40
11 2.75 44
12 3 48
16 4 64
20 5 80

Elements spacing values

The system uses a combination padding and margin attributes on each element to manage vertical spacing.

The elements spacing for ‘large screens’ is used when the screen is wider than the responsive breakpoint (767px), whereas for smaller screens heading spacing begins from the responsive breakpoint and below.

The following spacing values must be applied:

Large Screens 768+

H1 H2 H3 H4 P/ul/ol Pictures Components
Top 0px 20px 20px 20px 0px 0px 0px
Bottom 24px 24px 24px 24px 24px 24px 24px

Representation of vertical spacing of a component for large screens

Smaller Screens 767 and below

H1 H2 H3 H4 P/u/ol Pictures Components
Top 0px 12px 12px 12px 0px 0px 0px
Bottom 24px 24px 24px 24px 24px 24px 24px

Representation of vertical spacing of a component for smaller screens

Header spacing values

The header spacing concerns the vertical spacing of the header section of the page template.

The following spacing values must be applied:

Large screens (768px+) Smaller screens (767px and below)
0px Top 0px Top
64px Bottom 44px Bottom

Representation of header spacing

Spacing after the header

In order to achieve the spacing values for the header, consider which element follows the header.

Usually the first element after the header is either a back link, a breadcrumb or a H1 title of the page which already have top margin 0px, and there is no need for special care.

Representation of the first element after the header

On the other hand, if the following element has pre-existing top spacing, such as an H2, the spacing between the header and H2 will combine to 84px which should be avoided (the 84px spacing comes from the existing 64px bottom of the header plus the 20px top of the H2).

This means the FIRST element right after the header, should always have 0px top spacing so as not to interfere with the header spacing.

If the first element is not a back link, a breadcrumb or a H1 title, use the govcy-pt-0 class achieve the correct spacing as shown in the example below:


Lorem Ipsum

HTML code

<h2 class="govcy-pt-0">Lorem Ipsum</h2>

The footer spacing concerns the vertical spacing of the footer section of the page template.

The following spacing values must be applied:

Large screens (768px+) Smaller screens (767px and below)
40px Top 20px Top
0px Bottom 0px Bottom

Unlike the header there is no need for any adjustments to elements on top of the footer.

Representation of the footer spacing

Spacing with CSS

Using our developers assets and the code in our documentation, the vertical spacing is adjusted automatically.

Custom components

If you are implementing a custom component that is not included in our documentation, you can use the margin utility classes. To achieve the bottom margin of 24px that all elements have, use the govcy-mb-6 class.