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Ver. 3.1.0 For the older version visit v2 documentation

DSF tools

Our team uses the following libraries for rapid design, development, prototyping and testing. We’ve made them available for you to use in your projects as you see fit.

Design and prototyping libraries

Figma library

The Figma library has been created to rapidly create designs and prototypes the way.

Get the latest Figma library (opens in new tab) and use the design elements to built your designs and prototypes.

Excalidraw library

The Excalidraw library (opens in new tab) has been created to create rapid wireframes and sketches.

You can add directly to excalidraw (opens in new tab) or download it.

Testing libraries

govcy-frontend-tester NPM package

Our team uses the govcy-frontend-tester package (opens in new tab) to perform front end tests in terms of the accessibility and generic guidelines of the design system.

More details and instructions how to use it, are included in the package’s readme file.

Other libraries

dsf-email-templates NPM package

Our team uses the dsf-email-templates package (opens in new tab) to create HTML emails templates.

You can read more on our guide on HTML emails. More details and instructions how to use the NPM package, are included in the package’s readme file.