Design System
 DRAFT   Ver. 0.1.0 

Hint Text

Use hint text for help that’s relevant to the majority of users, like how their information will be used, or where to find it.

How it works


Select your certificate

Sample HTML Code

<form action="" class="govcy-form" novalidate>
<fieldset class="govcy-fieldset">
<legend class="govcy-legend"><h1>Select your certificate</h1></legend>
<div class="govcy-form-control">
<label class="govcy-radio">Vaccination
<input class="govcy-radio-input" type="radio" name="radio">
<span class="govcy-radio-checked" tabindex="1"></span>
<span class="govcy-hint govcy-mt-2">You have been vaccinated and this has been entered in the relevant database of the Ministry of Health.</span>
<label class="govcy-radio">Recovery
<input class="govcy-radio-input" type="radio" name="radio">
<span class="govcy-radio-checked" tabindex="2"></span>
<span class="govcy-hint govcy-mt-2">You have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and the test result has been declared and entered in the relevant database of the Ministry of Health.</span>
<label class="govcy-radio">Laboratory testing
<input class="govcy-radio-input" type="radio" name="radio">
<span class="govcy-radio-checked" tabindex="3"></span>
<span class="govcy-hint govcy-mt-2">You have been tested during the last 7 days for COVID-19 after undergoing a laboratory antigen rapid test or molecular methodology (RT-PCR) test and received a negative result which has been entered by the laboratory in the relevant database of the Ministry of Health.</span>

You can use hint text after <legends> or <labels>.

Do not include links within hint text. While screen readers will read out the link text when describing the field, they will not tell users that the text is a link.