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Ver. 2.2.0

Moving from Version 0.1.0

Developers will need to make the following changes in order to move from Version 0.1.X to Vesion 1.X.X using the CSS provided by GOV.CY.

Both these components must appear on the same line and have specific margin bottom. To do that we use govcy-float-start and govcy-mb-4 classes as follows:

<!-- Before Main section -->
<section class="govcy-container govcy-mb-4" id="beforeMainContainer">
<!-- Back Link -->
<div class="govcy-float-start">
<span class="bi bi-chevron-left"></span>
<a class="govcy-back-link" href="/">Back</a>
<!-- User’s name and sign out -->
<div class="govcy-text-end">
Constantinos Evangelou | <a href="/Account/LogOut" class="govcy-back-link">Log Out</a>

More information at back Link and User’s name and sign out.

Responsive Tables

The responsive tables wrapper class has changed from table-responsive to govcy-table-responsive. More information at Responsive tables.

Visually-hidden class for errors and check your answers

A class has been implemented govcy-visually-hidden-error that is hidden on the screen but readable by screen readers.

It should be used in error messages by adding the word Error. For example:

<span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error">Error: </span>
<span class="govcy-input-error-msg">There is an error</span>

It should also be used in the check answers pattern on the change link to indicate what the link is changing. For example:

<a href="">Change<span class="govcy-visually-hidden-error"> Personal Details</span></a>