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Ver. 2.2.0


The following utility classes have been created and can be used with the GOV.CY design system.


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-border-width govcy-br-*




Add or remove borders from an element.

* can have values 0 - 8.
<div class="govcy-br-0">Border-0</div>

<div class="govcy-br-1">Border-1</div>

<div class="govcy-br-left-4">Border Left 4</div>
govcy-border-color govcy-br-*




Change the colors of the borders of an element.

* can have values primary, secondary, success, standard, danger, info, input.
<div class="govcy-br-primary"></div>

<div class="govcy-br-left-dange"></div>
govcy-rounded govcy-rounded-*




Change the borders radius of an element.

* can have values 0, 1, 2, 3, circle, pill.
<div class="govcy-rounded-2"></div>

<div class="govcy-rounded-top-pill"></div>

Margin, padding

Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-margin govcy-m-*






Change the margin radius of an element. govcy-m changes margin in all directions, govcy-mx changes margin left and right, govcy-my changes margin top and bottom, govcy-mt changes margin top, govcy-mb changes margin bottom, govcy-ml changes margin left, govcy-mr changes margin right

* can have values 0 - 5, auto.
<div class="govcy-m-2"></div>

<div class="govcy-mx-1"></div>

<div class="govcy-mt-auto"></div>
govcy-padding govcy-p-*






Change the padding radius of an element. govcy-p changes padding in all directions, govcy-px changes padding left and right, govcy-py changes padding top and bottom, govcy-pt changes padding top, govcy-pb changes padding bottom, govcy-pl changes padding left, govcy-pr changes padding right

* can have values 0 - 5.
<div class="govcy-p-2"></div>

<div class="govcy-px-1"></div>

<div class="govcy-pt-5"></div>

Width, height

Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-width govcy-w-* Change the width of an element using percentage.

* can have values 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 60, 75, 100, auto.
<div class="govcy-w-50"></div>

<div class="govcy-w-100"></div>
govcy-height govcy-h-* Change the height of an element using percentage.

* can have values 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 60, 75, 100, auto.
<div class="govcy-h-50"></div>

<div class="govcy-h-100"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-background-color govcy-bg-* Change the background colour of an element.

* can have values primary, secondary, success, info, danger, light, dark, white, gray.
<div class="govcy-bg-primary"></div>

<div class="govcy-bg-dark"></div>
govcy-opacity govcy-opacity-* Change the opacity level of an element. The opacity-level describes the transparency-level, where 100 is not transparent at all, 50 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent.

* can have values 10, 25, 50, 75, 100.
<div class="govcy-opacity-75"></div>

<div class="govcy-opacity-50"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-text-color govcy-text-* Change the text colour in an element.

* can have values primary, secondary, success, info, danger, dark, white.
<div class="govcy-text-primary"></div>

<div class="govcy-text-white"></div>
govcy-text-align govcy-text-* Change the text alignment in an element.

* can have values start, end, center.
<div class="govcy-text-start"></div>

<div class="govcy-text-center"></div>
govcy-text-decoration govcy-text-deco-* Change the text decoration in an element.

* can have values none, underline, line-through.
<div class="govcy-text-deco-none"></div>

<div class="govcy-text-deco-underline"></div>
govcy-text-transform govcy-text-* Change how to capitalize text in an element.

* can have values lowercase, uppercase, capitalize.
<div class="govcy-text-uppercase"></div>

<div class="govcy-text-capitalize"></div>
govcy-font-size govcy-fs-* Change the font size of text in an element.

* can have values 1 - 6. Each value changes to the same font size as the sane header element. i.e. govcy-fs-2 will have the same font size as an <h2> .
<div class="govcy-fs-2"></div>

<div class="govcy-fs-5"></div>
govcy-extra-font-size govcy-efs-* Change the font size of text in an element.

* can have values large,larger,initial,medium, small, smaller, x-large,x-small,xx-large,xx-small,xxx-large,webkit-large. More details on font sizes at
<div class="govcy-efs-small"></div>

<div class="govcy-efs-larger"></div>
govcy-font-style govcy-fst-* Change the font style of text in an element.

* can have values italic,normal
<div class="govcy-fst-normal"></div>

<div class="govcy-fst-italic"></div>
govcy-font-weight govcy-fw-* Change the font weight of text in an element.

* can have values light,lighter, normal, bold, bolder
<div class="govcy-fw-normal"></div>

<div class="govcy-fw-bold"></div>
govcy-line-height govcy-lh-* Change the line height of text in an element.

* can have values 1,sm, base, lg
<div class="govcy-lh-base"></div>

<div class="govcy-lh-lg"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-valign govcy-valign-* Change the vertical alignment of an inline, inline-block or table-cell box in an element.

* can have values baseline,top, middle, bottom, text-bottom, text-top
<div class="govcy-valign-top"></div>

<div class="govcy-valign-middle"></div>
govcy-float govcy-float-* Change an element floats.

* can have values start,end, none
<div class="govcy-float-start"></div>
govcy-overflow govcy-overflow-* Change what should happen if content overflows an element’s box.

* can have values auto,hidden, visible, scroll
<div class="govcy-overflow-auto"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-display govcy-d-* Change the display behavior of an element.

* can have values inline, inline-block, block, grid, table, table-row, table-cell, flex, inline-flex, none
<div class="govcy-d-none"></div>
govcy-display-{sm,md,lg,xl,xxl} govcy-d-* Change the display behavior of an element for any responsive screen variation…

* can have values inline, inline-block, block, grid, table, table-row, table-cell, flex, inline-flex, none
<div class="govcy-d-md-none"></div>
govcy-display-print govcy-d-print-* Change the display behavior of an element when printing.

* can have values inline, inline-block, block, grid, table, table-row, table-cell, flex, inline-flex, none
<div class="govcy-d-print-none"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-flex govcy-flex-* Change a flex item will grow or shrink to fit the space available in its flex container.

* can have values fill, row, column, row-reverse, grow-0, grow-1, shrink-0, shrink-1
<div class="govcy-flex-fill"></div>
govcy-gap govcy-gap-* Change the gaps (gutters) between rows and columns.

* can have values 0 - 5
<div class="govcy-gap-2"></div>
govcy-flex-wrap govcy-flex-* Change whether flex items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines.

* can have values wrap, nowrap, wrap-reverse
<div class="govcy-flex-wrap"></div>

Flex Align, order

Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-justify-content govcy-justify-content-* Change how the browser distributes space between and around content items along the main-axis of a flex container, and the inline axis of a grid container.

* can have values start, end, center, between, around,evenly
<div class="govcy-justify-content-center"></div>
govcy-align-items govcy-align-items-* Change the align-items property of an element.

* can have values start, end, center, baseline, stretch
<div class="govcy-align-items-stretch"></div>
govcy-align-content govcy-align-content-* Change the align-content property of an element.

* can have values start, end, center, between, around, stretch
<div class="govcy-align-content-stretch"></div>
govcy-align-self govcy-align-self-* Change the align-self property of an element.

* can have values auto, start, end, center, baseline, stretch
<div class="govcy-align-self-stretch"></div>
govcy-order govcy-order-* Change the order property of an element.

* can have values first, 1 -5, last
<div class="govcy-order-first"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-position govcy-position-* Change the position property of an element.

* can have values static ,relative ,absolute ,fixed ,sticky
<div class="govcy-position-static"></div>
govcy-top govcy-top-* Change the top property of an element.

* can have values 0 ,50 ,100
<div class="govcy-top-0"></div>
govcy-bottom govcy-bottom-* Change the bottom property of an element.

* can have values 0 ,50 ,100
<div class="govcy-bottom-0"></div>
govcy-left govcy-left-* Change the left property of an element.

* can have values 0 ,50 ,100
<div class="govcy-left-0"></div>
govcy-right govcy-right-* Change the right property of an element.

* can have values 0 ,50 ,100
<div class="govcy-right-0"></div>


Utility Usage Description Example
govcy-user-select govcy-user-select-* Change whether the text of an element can be selected.

* can have values all ,auto ,none
<div class="govcy-user-select-none"></div>
govcy-pointer-events govcy-pe-* Change whether or not an element should react to pointer events.

* can have values auto ,none
<div class="govcy-pe-none"></div>

Examples code

<div class="govcy-br-0">Border-0</div>
<div class="govcy-br-1">Border-1</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2">Border-2</div>
<div class="govcy-br-3">Border-3</div>
<div class="govcy-br-4">Border-4</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5">Border-5</div>

<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-primary">Primary</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-secondary">Secondary</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-success">Success</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-standard">Standard</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-danger">Danger</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-info">Info</div>
<div class="govcy-br-2 govcy-br-input">input</div>
<div class="govcy-br-1 govcy-br-sm-3 govcy-br-md-5 govcy-br-danger govcy-br-sm-secondary govcy-br-md-primary">Responsive</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-right-sm-0 govcy-br-bottom-md-0 govcy-br-left-lg-0">Remove</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded 1">Rounded 1</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded 2">Rounded 2</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded 3">Rounded 3</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded-pill">Pill</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded-circle">Circle</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded-top-3">Top</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded-right-3">Right</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded-bottom-3">Bottom</div>
<div class="govcy-br-5 govcy-br-primary govcy-rounded-left">Left</div>

<div class="govcy-d-lg-none">hide on lg and wider screens</div>
<div class="govcy-d-none govcy-d-lg-block">hide on screens smaller than lg</div>

<div class="govcy-d-print-none">Screen Only (Hide on print only)</div>
<div class="govcy-d-none govcy-d-print-block">Print Only (Hide on screen only)</div>
<div class="govcy-d-none govcy-d-lg-block govcy-d-print-block">Hide up to large on screen, but always show on print</div>