Design System
 DRAFT   Ver. 0.1.0 

Page Templates


The default maximum width is 1280px.

Responsive breakpoint

Breakpoint is the width that determines how your responsive layout behaves across devices. The default breakpoint is ≥768px.

Page templates

All pages must use the following structure inside the <body> tag. The page width is on the max-width limit. Note the id tag is for reference and can be

Section Name HTML Tag Description
Body start <section class="govcy-container-fluid" id="bodyStartContainer"> </section> To be used to render the content before the <header> (i.e. cookie consent). Width must be fluid, same as the viewport.
Header <header class="govcy-container-fluid" id="headerContainer"> </header> To be used as the page header. Width must be fluid, same as the viewport.
Before Main <section class="govcy-container" id="beforeMainContainer"> </section> To be used to render the content before the <main> (i.e. back link) . Must comply with the max-width reference above and be placed in the center of the viewport.
Main <main class="govcy-container" id="mainContainer"> </main> To be used to render the service content (i.e. question page). Must comply with the max-width reference above and be placed in the center of the viewport. This section can have one of the layouts described in the layout section.
Footer <footer class="govcy-container-fluid" id="footerContainer"> </footer> To be used as the page footer. Width must be fluid, same as the viewport
Body end <section class="govcy-container-fluid" id="bodyEndContainer"> </section> To be used to render the content after the <footer> (i.e. cookie consent). Width must be fluid, same as the viewport.

Sample HTML Code:

<section class="govcy-container-fluid" id="bodyStartContainer"> </section>
<section class="govcy-container-fluid">
<div class="govcy-container" id="headerContainer"></div>
<section class="govcy-container" id="beforeMainContainer"> </section>
<main class="govcy-container" id="mainContainer"> </main>
<!-- Footer -->
<section class="govcy-container-fluid">
<div class="govcy-container" id="footerContainer"></div>
<section class="govcy-container-fluid" id="bodyEndContainer"> </section>

Sample template

Take a look at this template page with different sections highlighted with different colours.

Also take a look at a simple sample page with components of the Design System incorporated in it’s content.