Design System
 DRAFT   Ver. 0.1.0 


Always use the GOV.CY color palette.

Theme colours

Use theme colours for buttons, alerts, list groups, borders, text and backgrounds

Colour Colour name hex Where to use
primary #31576F To be used as the colour for primary buttons and other classes as primary colour.
secondary #B09038 To be used as the colour for secondary buttons and other classes as secondary colour.
success #00703C To be used to mark success in messages and alerts.
danger #d4351c To be used to mark danger or errors in messages and alerts.
info #52879D To be used in informational messages and alerts.
light #ebf1f3 To be used as a light background on specific components such as Footer.

Typography colours

Colours used for text based content.

Colour Colour name hex Where to use
headings #272525 To be used for heading text colour.
body #272525 To be used for body text colour.
hint #6D6E70 To be used for hint text colour.

Colours related to links.

Colour Colour name hex
link standard #1d70b8
link hover #003078
link visited #4c2c92
link active #272525
link danger hover #942514

Border Colours

Colours related to borders.

Colour Colour name hex
border standard #BBBCBF
border input #272525

Button / Input colours

Colours related to buttons

Colour Colour name hex
brand-primary #31576F
button primary hover #254355
button secondary #D0D1D3
button secondary hover #A6A8AA
button tirtiary #D4351C
button tirtiary hover #AA1D13
button success #00703C
button success hover #274e13
button active / input focus #ffdd00